Pursuant to the Division Memorandum No. 126 s. 2019, ORIENTATION on the REVIEW and RESEARCH REVALIDATION of the DIVISION LOCAL HERITAGE MATRIX (DLHM) and CONTEXTUALIZED CURRICULUM MATRIX (DCCM), and Division Memorandum No. 154 s. 2019, 4- DAY WRITESHOP on the FINALIZATION of the DIVISION Local HERITAGE MATRIX (DLHM) and DIVISION CONTEXTUALIZED CURRICULUM MATRIX (DCCM) were held at Avenue Plaza Hotel on May 21, 2019 and July 2-5, 2019.
Participated by teachers, Public School District Supervisors and Education Program Supervisors from the Public School of Naga City, the Training and Writeshop were guided with the following objectives:

1. Revisit and finalize the Division Local Heritage Matrix (DLHM) and the Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix (DCCM).
2. Develop Monitoring and Evaluation plan and tools for the implementation of a contextualized curriculum.
3. Provide teachers with a basis for contextualization of instruction and development of local materials.
4. Create and sustain sound contextualization practices.
5. Present and critique revalidated research per district.
6. Coding of competence and securing of signed research documents.
7. Finalize the Division Local Heritage Matrix (DLHM) following the prescribed standard format.
8. Craft the Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix (DCCM) based on the finalized DLHM.
9. Finalize the DCCM for reproduction.

Sueño S. Luzada Jr., Assistant Schools Division Superintendent and Lynn Z. Padillo, Curriculum Implementation Division Chief, graced the Orientation on the Review and Research Revalidation of the Division Local Heritage Matrix (DLHM) And Contextualized Curriculum Matrix (DCCM).

To enhance the Division Local Heritage Matrix, Mr. Danilo Gerona, a Bicolano historian, was invited as the resource speaker. He talked about the cultural heritage, history and identity of the 27 baranggays of Naga City.

At the end of the orientation, the Public Schools District Supervisors presented their Research Plan on their barangay assignments with their respective writer-researchers.

The Four -Day Writeshop on the Finalization of the Division Local Heritage Matrix (DLHM) and Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix (DCCM) was a challenging activity. The writer-researchers presented their research based on Local Heritage Themes, what learners should know about, what learners should think and feel about and what learners should be able to do to transfer learning. The participants were inspired by William E. Gando, Schools Division Superintendent in his talk.

After the critiquing, coding of competencies and securing of signed research documents, the participants were able to finalize the Division Local Heritage Matrix (DLHM). The Education Program Supervisors are now on the process of Crafting the Division Contextualized Curriculum Matrix (DCCM) based on the finalized DLHM.